Thursday, 21 July 2022

Removed Doctor Who The Collection Extras

Before I start, I want to say that this list is not definitive.  There may be some VAM that I have forgotten by mistake or chosen not to include on the basis I believe it will be on a future release.  I’m not counting Photo Galleries and Info Text changes as I will be here forever.

The purpose of this article is to list and explain Classic DVD extras that might be worth keeping for various reasons or have been omitted from their respective The Collection release, with no logical alternative set for them to end up in.

If you think there is anything else I am missing, please feel free to contact me

The Web Planet

Spanish Soundtrack on Episode 6

Whilst the Arabic Soundtrack for Planet of Giants was included on Season 2, sadly the Spanish soundtrack was omitted for unknown reasons, despite it being included on the DVD. 

Verdict –  This isn't a must watch extra, but I think it's quite nice to have a vintage dub for this episode. Shame it wasn't included.


The Mutants

Mutt Mad (edit)

Despite being released only 12 years ago, this documentary has had a small section (about a minute and a half) removed where Producer Barry Letts and Script Editor Terrance Dicks discus their views on empire and colonialism (which links directly into the serial). Whilst no precise reason has been given for the edit, I reckon the issue here was some of the language in the feature.

 Verdict – I can see why they opted to remove this section. It probably risked the box set getting a higher classification.


The Time Monster

DVD Commentary (edit)

During the solo commentary section with John Levene, (Sgt Benton) during Episode 4 John talks about the very sad death of the baby Darren Plant who was in this episode. Whilst I won’t repeat what John says here, the comment he makes could be considered insensitive.

Verdict – Whilst I don’t think John thought meant ill by what he said, I can see why it was removed. I surprised the edit wasn’t made at the time of the DVD release.

Carnival of Monster (Original DVD Release Only)

Deleted Scenes

Thanks to an early edit of Episode 2 being accidentally sent to Australia in the 70’s, some untransmitted material exists to this today.  The 2002 standard DVD of this story has the only way to watch the deleted material on its own outside of the episode.  Whereas the DVD Special Edition and Blu-ray only has the full early edit episode.  I feel early edit does not work in conjunction with the other episodes as it duplicates some scenes. 

Verdict – Worth keeping to see the scenes by themselves.


Frontier in Space

The Perfect Scenario: Lost Frontier  - Category: Re-edit.

This strange two-part partially fictious documentary made for the Dalek War box set, featuring future humans looking back at Doctor Who for social context and inspiration.  It bizarrely features mock interviews with future Doctor Who Producers from the 2030’s amongst other bizarre oddities that will no doubt date the production in years to come.  It even pretends to use an interview of Barry Letts from 2016, 7 years after his death. Thankfully for The Collection they decided to re-edit the documentary to make it far less strange and more palatable.  Much of the dating has been removed.

Verdict – The version of the Blu-ray is a far better improvement, but if you are a completionist it might be worth retaining the original.


Planet of the Daleks

The Perfect Scenario: The End of Dreams  - Category: Re-edit.
This is the second part of the documentary on Frontier in Space.  Please read above at the same applies.
The Green Death - Special Edition

Global Conspiracies? Outtake - Category: MISSING

Included as an Easter Egg on the 2013 re-release is a single short outtake from the filming on the mockumentary.  Presumably missed off in error.

Verdict – The outtake itself isn’t particularly funny in my opinion and feels a bit of a strange inclusion.  A little bit of a shame it’s not included though from a completeness point of view. 


Are Friends Electric - Category: VERY SMALL EDIT

Very much mentioned here for completeness, but there is a tiny edit to this documentary which features a medley of very short clips from title sequences of 1975 television shows.  Originally amongst these was the graphics card for Jim’ll Fix It which has now been removed for obvious reasons.

Verdict – Too slight to worry


The Ark in Space - Special Edition

The Doctor Who Technical Manual (1983) - Category MISSING

Erroneously included on this release was a digital PDF copy of the 1983 book The Doctor Who Technical Manual. When this wasn’t on Season 12, I was fully expecting this to go on Season 20, however Richard Bignell has confirmed on X/Twitter that it could no longer be included due to rights issues.



Verdict – Worth keeping if you haven't got a physical copy of the book

The Sontaran Experiment

Built for War - Category: SMALL EDIT

This documentary from 2006 looking at the history of the Sontarans on Doctor Who which naturally covers A Fix with Sontarans.  The edit made removes a small clip from the show plus a 2 quotes from Eric Saward and Colin Baker. The latter saying that the presenter “is much more frightening than the Sontarans…” 

Verdict – Might be worth choosing to watch this version.  Shame it had to be cut as the clip doesn’t serve the presenter in question in any positive way.


Revenge of the Cybermen

The Tin Men and the Witch - Category: RE EDIT

This making-of documentary from 2010 only contained interviews with Producers Barry Letts and Philip Hinchcliffe plus Director Michael Bryant
.  This was updated for The Collection with additional interviewees plus a re-shot interview with Philip due to low technical standards.

Verdict – Not really worth keeping unless you want bits Philip’s original interview.  The new version is far superior.

City of Death

If there is one DVD to keep, it’s probably this one.

Eye on Blatchford - Category: MISSING

This comedy spoof was made in 2005 by montobronto films after the success of Oh Mummy! on the Pyramids of Mars DVD, featuring the efforts of Sardoth (second to last of the Jagaroth to save his people.   It is unclear why the production was not moved over to The Collection on Season 17.  A possibility might be rights issues.  

Verdict – Even though it is nowhere near as good as Oh Mummy, I still found it amusing and I am very disappointed it’s not on Season 17.  Worth keeping.


Good Woolf Bad Woolf - Category: MISSING

This extended scene and outake from Eye on Blatchford which was presented as one of many Easter Eggs on the DVD release, featuring Gabriel Woolf being unable to open a tube.

Verdict – The Easter Egg itself is incidental, but if you are a completionist like me you’ll probably want to keep it.


Jagaroth Battle Cruiser Advertisement - Category: MISSING

Also produced by montobronto films, this is a short, strange comedic animated Easter Egg about buying a Jagaroth ship is also missing from the Blu-ray.

Verdict – Certainly more amusing than Good Woolf, Bad Woolf but in all honesty does feel a little bit pointless. Still worth watching

Production Subtitles on Studio Footage - Category: MISSING

Whilst the footage itself is included on the City of Death disc for Season 17, sadly the production subtitles that were written for the DVD were left off.  I presume this was in error.

Verdict – Worth keeping to have some information on the surviving tape and scenes involved.

Shada (2017 Edition - DVD, Blu-ray and Steelbook)

2017 Studio Footage - Category: MISSING

Despite only being released 4 years before Season 17 came out and solely copyrighted to the BBC, for some reason this footage featuring the newly shot interior TARDIS scenes with Tom Baker and K-9 was not included.  

Verdict – This one is probably the biggest shame of the lot.  I have no idea why it was not carried over.  Presumably it was a mistake?  But it is definitely worth keeping to witness the joy Tom Baker has returning to the role.  If error was the only thing preventing it’s release, maybe it will go on another set, even if it is irrelevant to that season.


The Keeper of Traken

Anthony Ainley DVD dedication - Category: MISSING

Included as an Easter Egg at the end of Part 4 of this story is a caption dedicating the DVD to the actor followed by a small few seconds long clip of his links from Destiny of the Doctors video game.

Verdict – I suppose this one makes sense as to why it was not included.


Black Orchid

Blue Peter - Category: ERROR 

On the Blu-ray edition of this clip from the long running children’s TV show where presenters Simon Groome and Sarah Greene visit the theatrical costumiers who supplied their outfits for this story.  Due to some stock music being unclearable it is replaced, however both the original track and new tracks can both be heard at the same time by mistake.  This error isn’t present on the DVD.

Verdict – Worth keeping to hear the feature without a cacophony of noise.


 Verdict – Fair enough, don't bother keeping this.



Casting Off! (Documentary) - Category: SMALL EDIT

A small feature on the cast of Enlightenment originally features a segment from Peter Davison and Janet Fielding discussing Cyril Luckham pinching Janet Fielding on the bottom. Peter then goes to say "he was very nice in a kind of perfectly acceptable way" before jokingly implies he will do that when he's older.


 Verdict – Very awkward, good riddance.


The King's Demons

Magna Carter (Documentary) - Category: SMALL EDIT

This history feature on the Magna Carter takes quite political turn in the final couple of minutes. Where political advisor Michael McMannus talks about an opinion that the foundations of Magna Carter are being reversed today which includes mentions of 9/11 and Bin Laden.


Verdict – Grossly inappropriate for a Doctor Who DVD extra. The view is very one sided.



The Five Doctors -25th Anniversary Edition

Celebration (Documentary) (1983) - Category: SMALL EDIT

The documentary covering the making of the story and the events celebrating the 20th Anniversary has a small edit to remove a line from Mark Strickson (Turlough) talking about his memories of appearing on Saturday Superstore. In the interview he says he remembers being chased around the studio by TV Presenter Rolf Harris, which is accompanied by a clip. This has been removed for obvious reasons.


 Verdict – Fair enough, don't bother keeping this.


The Two Doctors

A Fix with Sontarans - Category: RE-EDIT

This feature was only present on earlier pressings of the DVD release before being removed.  The mini-episode will be appearing as part of The Collection, however all footage featuring the presenter Jimmy Savile has been cut and a new ending created along with credits.

Verdict – The new edit much improves the production.

Series 1-4 - New and Missing Special Features

In response to my previous article talking about the new Series 1-4 box set, ( you can read the original here ) some further items that have...